September 27, 2017
New ISS Policy Survey Results: 3/4 of Investors Intend to Use Pay Ratio
– Broc Romanek
A few days ago, ISS released the survey results for its upcoming policy changes – with findings including:
– Pay Ratio Disclosures – ISS asked respondents how they intend to analyze data on pay ratios. Somewhat surprisingly, only 16 percent indicated that they are not planning to make use of this new information. Nearly three-quarters of the investor respondents indicated that they intend to either compare the ratios across companies/industry sectors, or assess year-on-year changes in the ratio at an individual company or use both of these methodologies. Of the 12 percent of investors who selected “other” as their response, some of them indicated a wait-and-see approach while other comments indicated uncertainty or concerns regarding the usefulness of the pay ratio data. Among non-investor respondents, a plurality (44 percent) expressed doubt about the usefulness of such pay ratio data.
Today’s Pre-Conference Webcast: “How to Apply SEC’s Pay Ratio Guidance”
For those registered for the upcoming “Pay Ratio & Proxy Disclosure Conference,” tune in today – 2 pm eastern (audio archive goes up when the program ends; transcript available in a week or so) – for the third in a series of three monthly webcasts that serve as a pre-conference: “Pay Ratio Workshop: What You (Truly Really) Need to Do Now.” There will be a heavy emphasis on “what now” given the SEC’s new guidance.
The speakers for today’s webcast are:
– Mark Borges, Principal, Compensia
– Ron Mueller, Partner, Gibson Dunn
– Dave Thomas, Partner, Wilson Sonsini
– Amy Wood, Partner, Cooley
Register Now: This is the only comprehensive conference devoted to pay ratio – and it’s only three weeks away! Here’s the registration information for the “Pay Ratio & Proxy Disclosure Conference” to be held October 17-18th in Washington DC and via Live Nationwide Video Webcast. Here are the agendas – 20 panels over two days. Register today.