Mike Andresino

Mike Andresino has over 15 years of experience as a corporate attorney, representing companies from startup through the IPO stage and beyond. He specializes in public company compliance issues, including corporate disclosure, corporate governance, insider trading and reporting, stock plan design and implementation, and executive compensation. He has written and spoken frequently on securities compliance issues, stock plan administration, and the venture capital and IPO process, and has guided numerous companies in instituting successful compliance programs.

Mr. Andresino is a partner at Posternak Blankstein & Lund LLP, a 55- attorney firm specializing in business law for early stage and middle market companies. He was a founding member of the NASPP, and has served as legal counsel or advisor to a number of companies in the executive compensation field, including major brokerage firms, software companies and leading consultants. Mr. Andresino is a graduate of Boston College and the University of Virginia Law School.


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