The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

July 13, 2010

FAA Proposes Changes to Airplane Use Regulations: Disclosure Impact to Follow?

Broc Romanek,

Published in the Federal Register last week, the FAA recently issued a proposal to revise its broad prohibition on pro rata reimbursement for the cost of owning, operating and maintaining a company plane when used for routine personal travel by executive officers under certain conditions. I’m far from being a FAA expert – but I believe this change, if approved, would permit greater flexibility for companies to seek and accept reimbursement from executives for their personal use of the corporate jet.

Given the affinity for private plane use – and officer distaste for disclosure about this practice – my bet is that executives would jump at the opportunity to do this, particularly if the money that executives paid was “replaced” in some way. The upshot is we may well see fewer perk disclosures for personal plane use in the not-so-distant future…